Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Argumentative Essay Regarding the building of the...

With an increasing global population and ever industrializing society s, environmental concern is rarely given priority over economic incentive. But what people fail to realize is that our environmental failures, and relative apathy about it set up a plethora of problems for future generations to deal with. One of the most important decisions president Obama will face in the next year will be whether or not to approve the building of the Keystone XL pipeline, a massively sized, and massively controversial oil pipeline that would stretch all the way from Alberta Canada, to American oil refineries along the Gulf Of Mexico. Despite the economic incentive present, the building of the Keystone XL pipeline should not happen because of the†¦show more content†¦This year we have seen more electric and hybrid vehicle startups than ever before.† (Morrison) Nearly everyone recognizes the benefits of the shift, both in terms of how it would help our environment in the long term, b ut also the economic impact it would have, (reduced gas costs, lower electric and other utilities bills... etc.) But still, many large companies work to impede the progress in favor of maintaining our dependence on fossil fuels. The American Petroleum institute has worked with many oil industry protection companies to stymie the renewable energy movement, even in some cases, â€Å"posing as environmentalist groups in order to attract the support of environmentalists while simultaneously pushing their anti-renewable agenda.† (Blankenhorn) Many of these companies striving against renewable energy also support the building of the Keystone pipeline, using the justification that the building of the pipeline would lower gas prices. But what they fail to acknowledge is the basic economic fallacy of this, â€Å"Fossil energy prices are not going to fall. The more you remove carbon-based resources from the ground, the more it costs to get more.†

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